Access Keys:

St Laurence O Toole National School, Roundwood, Co. Wicklow
LOTTO LOTTO - ROUNDWOOD LOTTO  JACKPOT is € 14,800 . Tickets can be purchased in local shops and pubs. ROUNDWOOD LOTTO contributes hugely to the school and allows the school to purchase much needed teaching and learning resources throughout the year. 
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3rd and 4th class Girls Football Blitz

20th Oct 2022

The 3rd and 4th class girls blitz was held in sunny Bray Emmet’s on Thursday 20th October.  St Laurence O’Toole N.S. entered two teams into the competition.  Both teams had strong opposition.  The girls played with determination and sportsmanship.  They were delighted with their overall performance.  We enjoyed singing ‘Wheels On The Bus’ all the way home.