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St Laurence O Toole National School, Roundwood, Co. Wicklow

Homework Pass for all those who attend the Parents Association AGM - March 27th @ 7pm in the school hall.

6th Mar 2023

The new Roundwood Parent's Association will hold it's first AGM on Monday 27th of March at 7pm. 

The AGM will highlight the work that has been happening within the Parents Association. 

It will also outline the aims of the Parent's Association going forward. 

You will hear from our acting Chairperson (Kate Snape), Secretaries (Naomi Steele, Hollie Halligan) and Treasurer Amanda Carthy. 

The AGM will discuss the new PA constitution which will be made available to all parents via the website next week. 

All parents who attend will receive a homework pass for their child(ren) on the night, as well as teas/coffees.