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St Laurence O Toole National School, Roundwood, Co. Wicklow

Cross Country Athletics in Avondale

27th Sep 2022

On Tuesday morning students from 3rd to 6th class, joined by Ms Sharkey, Ms Lawson and Sheila Donlon boarded two buses to Avondale Forest Park, to take part in the Wicklow Invitational Athletics Relay Races.  Eight teams in total took part, one girls team and one boys team from each class. Each team had four runners and a sub, with each member of the team playing an important role. All students ran and cheered their hearts out throughout the event. They all did a fantastic job representing our school. We placed highly in all events with the 3rd Class Girls taking 2nd place in their race. The 5th Class Girls also taking 2nd place, the 5th Class Boys taking 3rd place and the 6th Class Boys also taking 3rd place.  This was a fantastic achievement by all involved.

Well Done to

3rd Class

Edith O’ Reilly; Tyghe Foot; Katie Keeshan; Cillian Lowe; Emily O’ Connor; Conor Carpenter; Roisin Donlon;  Senen Fox; Lila Doyle and Matthew Doyle

4th Class

Rachel Summers; Matvey Rusakovich; Susie Furgison; Max Heatly; Leah Fitzmorrise; Lucas Kavanagh; Niamh Fanning; Michael Fanning; Eva O’ Neill and Brandon McCann

5th Class

Jessica O’Connor; Kelan Lawlor; Bobby Rose Scott; Liam Boue; Lilly Lawless; Conal Brady; Ayla Lowe; Daniel Corneliusson; Maya Byrne and Tom McAulay

6th Class

Ava Davis; Zach Kavanagh; Ana Neesca; Jack Higgins; Lucy Hayden; Fionn Stephens; Chloe Molloy O Connor; Liam Fanning; Niamh Carpenter and Eoin Davis.