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St Laurence O Toole National School, Roundwood, Co. Wicklow
LOTTO LOTTO - ROUNDWOOD LOTTO  JACKPOT is € 14,800 . Tickets can be purchased in local shops and pubs. ROUNDWOOD LOTTO contributes hugely to the school and allows the school to purchase much needed teaching and learning resources throughout the year. 
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Constructions site - Senior infants

14th Nov 2023

LOoK OUT! The Health and safety officer is inspecting the new construction site in Room 2! Along with architects, engineers, builders, electricians, brick-layers, carpenters and plumbers they are busy building skyscrapers, bridges and new house styles. 

For the month of November Ms Kelly’s Senior infants will be learning all about skyscrapers, bridges and buildings around the world. 

Check out what happened on day 1!