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St Laurence O Toole National School, Roundwood, Co. Wicklow

Monday 26th of September - Parents Association

18th Sep 2022

Good morning,


As a parent in St. Laurence O'Toole's National School you are already a member of our parents association.


Therefore, we would ask you to come along to our first meeting of the school year on Monday 26th of September at 7:30pm (in school),

to hear about the many different activities, experiences and projects you as a parent can be involved in.

Whether, you can give your time as a volunteer on a monthly bases or even just once a year for a particular event

we would love to see you there!


It is also an opportunity to hear how you would like to become involved in school life.


Tea/ Coffee and biscuits have been promised by myself ( Ms. Kelly) and if you can please bring along another parent friend that would be fantastic!


Looking forward to seeing you all there.

Kim Kelly

Deputy Principal