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St Laurence O Toole National School, Roundwood, Co. Wicklow
LOTTO LOTTO - ROUNDWOOD LOTTO  JACKPOT is € 14,800 . Tickets can be purchased in local shops and pubs. ROUNDWOOD LOTTO contributes hugely to the school and allows the school to purchase much needed teaching and learning resources throughout the year. 
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Music in Calary Workshop

16th Jan 2023

Today many of our pupils attended a music workshop onsite which was organised by Music in Calary. The workshop was facilitated by John Medlycott, Eamonn Sweeney and local musicians. Our pupils took part in a 2 hour workshop of singing and playing instruments and then performed for the rest of the school.  The theme was music from long ago and many of the instruments used and all the songs sung were from hundreds of years ago.  It was a great performance and well done to all children involved !