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St Laurence O Toole National School, Roundwood, Co. Wicklow
LOTTO LOTTO - ROUNDWOOD LOTTO  JACKPOT is € 17,200 . Tickets can be purchased in local shops and pubs. ROUNDWOOD LOTTO contributes hugely to the school and allows the school to purchase much needed teaching and learning resources throughout the year. 
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STEM Month in Ms. Power's Class

19th Nov 2023
We had a great time celebrating STEM month in our class. We had a lovely visit from Doc (Ms. Comyn) where we did the Dancing Raisins experiment. We learnt words such as experiment, equipment, prediction, results.

We also made Lava Lamps in a bottle. Science is all about thinking and adapting to create better results. The first time we did the experiment, there were only a few bubbles.So we decided to do the experiment again to create even better results. The experiment was a great success the second time! Well done to all the children. Maith sibh!