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St Laurence O Toole National School, Roundwood, Co. Wicklow

Thursday 10th of November - Parent's Association Meeting

4th Nov 2022

We hope everyone has had a fantastic mid-term break!

Our next Parents' Association meeting will take place in the school building at 

7pm on Thursday the 10th of November (next Thursday). Thank you to those

who have emailed to express interest in joining the committee and volunteering

in some way this year! Your time, kindness and support is much appreciated.

However, we are still looking for a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer, as was said at the 

last meeting with Sharon, these roles can be shared for the first year until we settle into our 

new parents association. 

Please do email or ring the office to speak with Ms. Kelly if you think you would be interested (No experience required, we are all in this together!)