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St Laurence O Toole National School, Roundwood, Co. Wicklow
LOTTO LOTTO - ROUNDWOOD LOTTO  JACKPOT is € 16,000 . Tickets can be purchased in local shops and pubs. ROUNDWOOD LOTTO contributes hugely to the school and allows the school to purchase much needed teaching and learning resources throughout the year. 
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Visit from Éanna ní Lamhna

12th Mar 2024
Our pupils from 3rd to 6th classes had a real treat when the the author, teacher and broadcaster Eanna Ni Lamhna came into our school last week.  

Éanna is one of the best-known public figures in Ireland in the area of nature and the environment. She has written a number of books including the school book Science All Around Me and more recently her third children's book "Wonders of the Wild" on which her presentation was based. 

It was a very special day for us to have Éanna speak with the children and everyone came away with new information!  Éanna also took the time to visit our infant classes before leaving us - a great surprise!   We were delighted to receive a signed copy of her new book for our school library also!